Children who used to work as slaves are now attending classes at one of MSEMVS’ transitional schools.
Based in Varanasi, India, MSEMVS focuses on eradicating child labor. MSEMVS’ strategy is to build a movement at the community level in order to address the root causes of slavery.
MSEMVS rescues children and adults who are enslaved. They create transitional schools that provide three years of education to the children they freed and to the children of people who are/were in bonded labor. The transitional schools not only bring the students up to grade level so that they can enter government schools, but they also educate the children and their parents about bonded labor and other human rights. The education that the children receive enables them to find higher level jobs and prevents them from becoming bonded laborers.
MSEMVS provides women with literary, vocational and skill trainings so that they can create self-help groups to work collectively on community projects. MSEMVS educates local government officials and police about anti-slavery laws to ensure that they are enforced.
Women attending a tailoring training.
A training on rights for village workers.
Picture credits: MSEMVS and Voices4Freedom