1,100,000 in
modern slavery
trafficking cases reported to the
national anti-trafficking Hotline
In 2023, the National Human Trafficking Hotline received reports of 30,162 suspected human trafficking cases. A case corresponds to a situation of human trafficking and can include one or multiple potential victims. Breaking down this number shows that sexual exploitation and forced labor occur throughout the country in a variety of industries, especially in agriculture, domestic work, fishing, and traveling sales crews. Undocumented migrant women and children are particularly vulnerable to modern slavery because of their lower levels of education, inability to speak English, and immigration status. Read more.
Our partners
Verité sheds a light on labor rights violations in supply chains. Since 1995, Verité has partnered with hundreds of corporations, governments, and NGOs in 70+ countries to address the root causes of unfair or illegal labor practices in supply chains.
Polaris is a leader in the global fight to eradicate modern slavery. The organization runs the National Human Trafficking Hotline in the U.S. More than 100,891 cases of human trafficking have been reported to the hotline since 2009.
Mentari was founded in 2015 to mentor and empower human trafficking survivors so that they can actively reintegrate within society. A cornerstone in their strategy is the Culinary Arts Program, that so far helped 205 survivors.
Love146 is a US-based organization dedicated to ending child trafficking and exploitation. They provide care for survivors and work to prevent future harm through education and awareness. Love146 recognizes that vulnerability to trafficking is influenced by various factors like housing insecurity, poverty, and racism, and they strive to address these underlying conditions.